Live: from Inside the Machine...

Live: from Inside the Machine...

The future has arrived. "They've" been preparing us for it for most of our lives, but now the time is upon us. Artificial Intelligence is now available to the general public in a usable way. OpenAI has shared its AI technology, Chatgpt, and it is impressive. And it's only the beginning!

Everyone seems to have an opinion about AI, and the usual suspects of fearmongers and conspiracy theorists jumped out early on this topic. But, honestly, they're not entirely wrong. It's wise to be cautious about tech and how fast things are moving in our society. Imagining how someone in power might abuse this tool would be easy. However, focusing on that would block the good that everyday people would benefit from.

Chatgpt and other similar AI tools are poised to make the same kind of impact that the personal computer or the world wide web made in recent history but in record time. The times change, but the mission remains the same. We can dream about a brighter future, but someone has to do the work. AI may be able to help us figure that out.


The Collaborators

What's on your radar?

These are the joints that have our attention this month.


Just Like Movies


Just Like Tv


Just Like Music

Did we miss anything? Put us on to something that we need to check out:!

The Minority Connection


The Minority Connection 〰️

A Guide to Social Media Marketing for Independent Film, TV, and Music Producers

A Guide to Social Media Marketing for Independent Film, TV, and Music Producers

Tv Series: American Gods

Tv Series: American Gods